Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 3 Activity 1 Posting

Element #1: 
Take a look at the two examples and see if you can identify the purpose behind each story. What is the point of view in each? Whose voice do you hear? The first video shows the tools and steps on how they harvest a salt bed. The voice in this video seems to be from one of the students of the Pacific Voices project. The second video is an example about a fishery. The second video is narrated by the teacher of the science classroom Val Welch of the Pacific Voice project.

 Element #2:
 See if you can find a dramatic question in the examples for this section. A dramatic question is posed by the narrator at the beginning of the story to create tension and draw in the audience. A dramatic question is usually not an actual question that the narrator poses; rather, it is an intriguing statement that causes the viewers to ask themselves a question. 'I was seven years old when I met my father' is an example of a dramatic question. It hooks you in and motivates you to listen to the story until its conclusion. Is the question resolved in each movie or are you left without a resolution? The video opens with three young children throwing garbage or junk into a pile from the back of a pickup truck. It looks like a field somewhere in Guam. I thought it was pretty sad that there was garbage all over the area, not sure if it was a garbage dump site, an open field, or some ones yard. I did find it funny that the music playing in the back round was very tropical and about when two people getting married and how happy they will be living on the island and how they will raise their family. I would of chosen different music for my back ground. The second video was about a woman who caught so many fish, the women did not have enough salt to preserve them. The resolution was answered when the goddess appeared to the women and told her to dig a hole, after the hole was created the goddess filled it with salt water and told the women now this will preserved the fish.

 Element #3: 
See if you can identify the emotional paradigms behind these stories. The first video start off with a loud and strong message about teen depression and suicide. As you get into watching the story you then see the positive message begin to unfold there is hope get help talk to someone. The Second video was short and very clear the young women talked about our elders and the knowledge the offer us. They give us a strong sense of culture and wisdom.

 Element #4: 
What impact that the voice plays on the overall effect of the story. The first video gives us a personal voice the women is talking by experience so it gives her story realism and credit. The second video gave me a sense of innocence as children were singing in the background and I can only assume they were telling us their story.

Element #5:
What impact does the music have on the emotional content or purpose of the story? Music gives any story power it will set the stage. It can be a ceremonial message, one of happiness, tragedy it depends on the type of music used in the digital story.

Element #6: 
Look at the examples in this section and consider the decisions the authors made about length of clips, types of transitions and sequence of events. Are you able (as a viewer) to fill in the missing pieces? Give an example? I thought all three had great ideas, they made their stories different but used the same pictures. I would fill in the blanks in the first story A room for Maria by changing the story just a little and adding why Maria wanted her own room, Maria wants her own room so can have friends over and have a place for them to play. I would also use softer music so that you could hear the narrator tell the story.

 Element #7:
 How does the narrator use their voice to pace the story? Give a specific example. Tools are GREAT! In the first video you could tell it was important and urgent the message portrayed that immediately. The power of the youth voice was very persuasive. The Second video did not have very much of a verbal narrator but still had its messages and they were clear. The message was given by action, signs, and cue. A small school that had elementary, middle school and high school all in one small building. You saw this when the student were headed to the library/lunch room. All the videos had a very good pace it gave you time to process the information before moving on to the next slide.

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