Saturday, September 6, 2014

Activity #3 for Week #2

 This was my favorite video.

 1.What do you like about the digital story? I liked that it had a positive message from the students about friends and friendships. Even the music was a about friends.

2.What did you learn from the digital story? I learned that integrity still exist among our young people. Student still believe in honesty and having someone their who will always have your back.

3.What surprised you about the digital story? The things said about what is a friend. Their interpretation about friendship it was empowering to see that they cared about who they surround themselves with.

4.How did the digital story provide an example of how digital storytelling can build self-esteem, help young people voice an opposition to social problems, or create an alternative to stereotypes of adolescents typically portrayed in mainstream media?
 I have always said if we are to talk about social issues that affect our young people then we need to have our young people at the table front and center of the discussion. Student have the best voice for telling their stories, in this video they did just that they discussed what friendship was to them. Many times we look at our young people in a stereotypical way and want to categorize them where we think they should be, especially when as adults we truly don’t understand their social and educational communities. A good friend will build you up when you are down, give you his last dollar because you need it.

 5. Do (or how do) these digital stories provide evidence of that these young people are engaged in analysis of their own culture? Yes the digital stories given by young people always provide evidence that young people are engaged in their culture but also in their communities. More and more young people are stepping up and letting the public know here is my story. Their voices have so much power. Let me share one video I use when teaching about bullying.

 6. Do (or how do) these digital stories support a healthy respect for multiculturalism and diversity?
I thinks that digital stories do support a healthy respect for multiculturalism and diversity, Just look at all the digital stories promoted by above the influence.

We all know that because digital stories are visual their messages or powerful and can hit cyber space in seconds so this gives us a totally new gateway of learning and expression by telling true stories good or bad.

 Young people love to tell stories about themselves by their pictures, music or written message.

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