Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Brainstorming my Digital Story."

1. Describe a positive scene from childhood in detail. What led up to this event? When and where did it happen? Who was involved? What were you thinking and feeling? Why is it an important event? What impact did it have on you?

I remember one of my friends who quit school due to being bullied by other kids it was a racial issue. I was so happy that by Christmas she was back in school.
For the sake of this blog we will call my friend Bella, she was always being bullied. Bella felt like no matter who she told no one would reach out to help her but me. She felt like she had enough so she quit school that was her answer! Because she could not get any support or help from the high school administration. She refused to be bullied anymore so she left.

I felt really bad for Bella she was a really a good friend. I spent my second semester without my friend. What impacted me the most was the fact that Bella was very quiet and would do anything for anyone but she had a bulls eye painted all over her locker and her back. I learned that year what friendship was truly all about, she showed me how brave and resilient she was.

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” 
― Jane AustenNorthanger Abbey

2. Describe a negative scene from childhood in detail. What led up to this event? When and where did it happen? Who was involved? What were you thinking and feeling? Why is it an important event? What impact did it have on you?

When Bella came back to school the mean girls on the third floor often waited for her to walk by just to push her or pull her hair. By this time we were both sophomore's in high school the bulling just kept getting worse. I wanted to protect her but did not know how. I felt like a coward because no matter how much I said something or tried to protect her it made things worse.

3. Describe a particular event from your teen-aged years that stands out in your memory today. This can be positive or negative. What led up to the event? What happened? Where and when? Who was involved? What were you thinking and feeling? Why is it an important event? What impact did the event have on you.

I remember making a choice!A choice to stand up and help my Friend Bella against this abuse no more feeling helpless against those who felt they could just hurt others. I chose to fight by forming a group against students who like to bully others. Our school began to change we created a after school group and did demonstrations during pep rallies and at different school events. Soon other schools were inviting us to tell Bella's story. Not only did we tell Bella's story but we then began to talk about the prevention of high school drop. Our message was clear bullying causes high school drop out, suicide and substance abuse. I suppose this is why I do what I am doing today, except this time I am not the student I am the teacher.

4. Describe a vivid or important memory from any time in your adult years. Again, this can be positive or negative. It can be about anything – family, work, whatever. The scene stands out in your mind today as being especially vivid or important. Please describe what led up to the event. Then describe the scene in detail. What happened? Where and when? Who was involved? What were you thinking and feeling? Why is it an important event? What impact has the event had on you?

To Sum it all up I am a youth advocate who teaches substance abuse and high school drop out prevention. Every student deserves a chance to go to school in a safe environment. 

Drug free communities are a place where young people thrive.
This is what makes me feel great about my job. And the best part is I am a hero to my own children or at least that is what they tell me. So it makes it all worth it for me.

 5. In looking back on your life, you may be able to identify particular “turning points” – episodes through which you experienced an important change in your life. Please choose one key turning point scene and describe it in detail. If you feel your life story contains no clear turning points, then describe a particular episode in your life that comes closer than any other to qualifying for a turning point – a scene where you changed in some way. Again, please describe what led up to the event, what happened in the event, where and when it happened, who was involved, what you were thinking and feeling, and so on. Also, please tell me how you think you changed as a result of this event and why you consider this event to be an important scene in your life story today.

Turning Point in my life was having three amazing kids to call mine and marring their dad who is my very best friend. I got married in April 1992 soon after Nicholas was born, then Matthew in 1994 and my daughter who was born in May 2000. She was our miracle she was a preemie five months and 1lb 10oz she is a testament to our faith. 


Believe in the impossible and do something...

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