Monday, August 18, 2014

Teach with a vision

1. Why is teaching media literacy important? You have to know the language first, and know how to use it correctly. There is so much media junk online now that we must be able to sort out the garbage in order to promote the good stuff. Connecting the right messages in order to interpret the stories and be able to teach their meaning at different levels or ages.

2. What do you want to learn about teaching media literacy? I want to learn everything I can so that I am confident when teaching, presenting or just developing digital stories.

3.What concerns do you have about teach media literacy? My concern is knowing when is inappropriate to use images from different websites to convey a messages especially images from google or other websites. Another concern is the use of logos, how should you go about creating your own logo not one that you download or belongs to a site.

4. When are assignments do in this course?  All assignments are due by midnight Sunday and most buy the following Sunday unless assignments requires feedback from peers or instructor.

5. What are the rules for late assignments? I must contact you within 24 hours of missing a due date for an assignment. If I don't contact you I will not receive points for my assignments.

6. What is the best way to contact me? Best way to contact you is by  Gmail, video chat or cell phone.

7. Should you work ahead? I should check with you first before working ahead.


  1. Please excuse the breaks in between lines its a comupter glitch.

  2. I'm excited to help you learn more about creating effective media messages with students!

    We will cover some the issues around copyright laws but there is also another course for that.
