Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weekly Reading 7

What do you like about the Common Core?

I am undecided on how I feel about common core. I need more information in order to decide what I as a parent not an educator feels is the best thing for my children. After viewing the video and reading what several other states like Florida had to say about common core my feelings are mixed. If it is so great then why is it up for educational and political debate. I have to wonder is our education progressing or are we the reason for hindering learning and growth by collective common core? 

What concerns do you have?
My concerns are that if every child learns differently and at a different pace how is common core going to support their learning. Excuse me for my lack of classroom knowledge but as a parent I can say all three of my children have had struggles in different areas of their education.  I have never been able to use the same material across the table for any one of them. I have saved their school work all the way through high school. With each kid and each grade it has always been different. Common Core as I understand is a way for kids to learn and catch up across the states continuum of education. Is that even possible.

Find another media text that supports your stance.  

Use the critical questions to deconstruct this media text.

Authors and Audience:
Who produced this document, and for what purpose? This document was produces by Floridians Against Common Core Education. It was created for the purpose of expressing their views on why common core is the enemy.

When was this produced, and what was its historical context? As far as I could tell this page was created in 2013.

Who is the target audience? The target audience is parents, legislator, and teachers.

Messages and Meanings
What are the messages communicated? The message is clear Common Core is the enemy and President Obama is behind it.

What techniques are used to attract and hold attention? This particular web site had text, video’s, legislation and interview behind its message. What held my attention was the legislators and their opinion.

How might people interpret this message differently? They might interpret the message differently by believing that the Common Core is a good thing for our schools across the states with no faults.
Who might benefit from (and who might be harmed by) this message? I feel that everyone seeking knowledge about Common Core would benefit from this because it has a lot of information, however in the end it is up to you to decide. Parents may have a different view on Common Core then Teachers there are to many factors to consider.

Representation and Reality
What information or perspective is left out of this message? The cost on what this common core will cost what about how it will impact student learning. How will it impact teachers and their classrooms and planning time? There are too many unanswered what if’s.

Is this an accurate and credible representation? Accurate maybe credible not sure.

How does this reflect the perspective or bias of its creator? It clearly points out it perspective on why common core will not work and how the Federal Government should be kept out of education. 

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