Sunday, October 26, 2014

Media Deconstruction Century Link & Alltel

October 26, 2014

Do you agree with the claims made in the deconstruction? I am going to say yes to the media deconstruction of both commercials they were very well presented and convincing.
Is the Century Link ad really a cover for a company that is making profits over customer satisfaction? When you first view their video it looks trust worthy and convincing it is not until you start to dig deeper about the actual company and begin reading about the networking mergers and how their employees lost their jobs then you begin to see the dirt under the rug the company does not look to wonderful anymore. 

The deconstruction of Alltell stood out to me the most I guess it was because Jessica Collins did such a great job of pointing out things I would never think of in an add. However, I have to wonder how many people actually research a product before buying it. Let’s look at our Young Consumers ages 14 through 21 this is the age of the biggest spenders I can’t imagine this group taking the time to research a phone company in order to buy their cell phone. Example the new IPhone 6 let’s assume apple is Alltel.  In the mind of a young adult they are processing the fact that this in a new product and they either must work to get it or ask for it for their birthday or Christmas. Not one is concerned about the Apple Company history or any kinds of merger. How do we then teach our young people about the meaning of media messages without scrutinizing critical autonomy?  

We as the consumer have to always remember that companies like Century Link, Alltell or even Apple are out to make their product appealing at all cost they are in the business of selling and making money. Ads are a highly familiar part of our cultural environment (pg. 116) (Hobbs, 2011). Does it matter the people lose their jobs as a result of company mergers, no it does not, does it matter that you can save money with a family plan no it does not, what matters is what end result are you looking for. Save money by doing your research read the fine print and the history of the company before you fall victim to the media advertising. 

I want to add that the deconstruction for Alltell was a great example of media deconstruction I had never seen one done like this before so for me it was a great visual.  

This is my interpretation of both commercials.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Magazine Cover Diversity With Common Core

I chose to create a product with a positive spin on common core. The magazine cover I designed is Diversity With Common Core, I wanted to show how common core could be used with Spanish and English language arts curricula with Common Core State Standards, the project called the Cartonera would be the perfect vehicle for integrating Spanish and English language arts with social studies and art to build bilingual language proficiency and family engagement in our school. 
With LSIC wanting more parents to get involved this was the perfect way to engage everyone.  

The Cartonera was an authentic performance task through which students could present their writing in a creative way. By blending art with this writing assignment, students were able to express themselves visually and linguistically. Their stories were completed with a recipe for the food described in their personal narrative. We are planning to host a family potluck as the culminating event. Families will be able to share their cultures, build community, take pride in their children's work and learn more about our school.

Who could have guessed that a little piece of cardboard would become a unique way of showcasing students’ talents.
In creating my magazine cover, I used five different language of persuasion techniques: 
Association to link the product to the Latino community.
Testimonials I used a students of multicultural  ethnicity to convey diversity.
New an old idea Spanish, English, Language Arts, social Studies and Art (common Core) to express a new project such as the Cartonera that would include all of the above.
Simple solution to incorporate a balance with common core.
Group dynamics diversity in the classroom.

(Lindholm-Leary 2001, p. 1)  Lindholm-Leary Ph.D., Kathryn. Biliteracy for a Global Society: An Idea Book on Dual Language Education.  National Clearinghouse on English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Education Programs,, Washington DC, August 2000.

Hobbs, R. (2011). Composing With Media across the Curriculm. In Digital and media literacy: Connecting culture and classroom. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Weekly Reading 7

What do you like about the Common Core?

I am undecided on how I feel about common core. I need more information in order to decide what I as a parent not an educator feels is the best thing for my children. After viewing the video and reading what several other states like Florida had to say about common core my feelings are mixed. If it is so great then why is it up for educational and political debate. I have to wonder is our education progressing or are we the reason for hindering learning and growth by collective common core? 

What concerns do you have?
My concerns are that if every child learns differently and at a different pace how is common core going to support their learning. Excuse me for my lack of classroom knowledge but as a parent I can say all three of my children have had struggles in different areas of their education.  I have never been able to use the same material across the table for any one of them. I have saved their school work all the way through high school. With each kid and each grade it has always been different. Common Core as I understand is a way for kids to learn and catch up across the states continuum of education. Is that even possible.

Find another media text that supports your stance.  

Use the critical questions to deconstruct this media text.

Authors and Audience:
Who produced this document, and for what purpose? This document was produces by Floridians Against Common Core Education. It was created for the purpose of expressing their views on why common core is the enemy.

When was this produced, and what was its historical context? As far as I could tell this page was created in 2013.

Who is the target audience? The target audience is parents, legislator, and teachers.

Messages and Meanings
What are the messages communicated? The message is clear Common Core is the enemy and President Obama is behind it.

What techniques are used to attract and hold attention? This particular web site had text, video’s, legislation and interview behind its message. What held my attention was the legislators and their opinion.

How might people interpret this message differently? They might interpret the message differently by believing that the Common Core is a good thing for our schools across the states with no faults.
Who might benefit from (and who might be harmed by) this message? I feel that everyone seeking knowledge about Common Core would benefit from this because it has a lot of information, however in the end it is up to you to decide. Parents may have a different view on Common Core then Teachers there are to many factors to consider.

Representation and Reality
What information or perspective is left out of this message? The cost on what this common core will cost what about how it will impact student learning. How will it impact teachers and their classrooms and planning time? There are too many unanswered what if’s.

Is this an accurate and credible representation? Accurate maybe credible not sure.

How does this reflect the perspective or bias of its creator? It clearly points out it perspective on why common core will not work and how the Federal Government should be kept out of education. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week 7 Final Draft of Digital Stories

Final Draft of Mi Vida Loca

1. Raise awareness of a social problem- In my story (La Vida Loca) there are so many ways I can go about raising awareness, my husband is cooking with a shirt on that said " Tobacco Free Day 2014 WV RAZE". But I am going to talk about the students in my pictures. This group of young students are a youth coalition whom I have had for 5 years since 8th grade through a grant funded by Senator Byrd we were given a grant to develop the National Youth Leadership Initiative NYLI in partnership with Michigan State University and CADCA. These kids help me talk about high school drop out and substance abuse prevention all over the state. We have traveled from Charleston WV to Washington DC to meet with legislators to discuss funding for programs in our schools. 

We have asked for evidence based programs so that our health teachers can be trained in hope of empowering a drug free community. Why do I do this because I was a high school drop out. I dropped out of high school my junior year because I got tired of having to go up against the gangs, drugs and all the negative senescence of John F Kennedy High School. So now I teach prevention to keep kids in school and off drugs. That is my passion!

2. Build self-esteem-In my digital story I have a picture of very few words, that picture is about me on Graduation day at Fairmont State University. So much was happening that day! I will never forget, I had relatives fly in from Florida and New Jersey to see me graduate. I remember the morning of graduation. I took my dad with me to practice then the two of us went for breakfast I was stressing out about what am I going to wear, look at me an old lady graduating among these young adults. I had so many mixed feeling that day. I was graduating with a bunch of 20- 26 year old students. I felt out of place!

Meanwhile at my house everyone was getting ready and the kids where planning a little gathering for after the graduation. While I was getting ready my middle son Matthew came into my bedroom to help me with my graduation gown I told him to try it on soon it would be his turn! Matt said to me "Mom your a my HERO" thank you for doing this for our family this is a big day for you but an even bigger day for me. My Mom is graduating from College how awesome is that he said. I was at a lost for words. I hugged him and in that very moment my self esteem was in such a place of accomplishment a place I had never experienced before. 

I suppose its because I never really thought about what my kids thought about me going to school, to me I was just a mom trying to finish my education at an old age. Nothing to really brag about. 

3. Create an alternative to a stereotype typically portrayed in mainstream media.
I don't really know how to answer this, an alternative to stereotypical in my case would be to never give up understand personal experience so that you can live by example. Mainstream media is an over flood of things that are either positive or negative so choose what you want it to be. Then make a difference by changing the norm. 

Please view below my Final Draft 

I use digital media to tell stories on the issues that affect our student community. I teach student how to make photo voice stories with photography that will help convey their ideas and how they want to share their expressions.
The student and I communicate through several different social media and we network with tools such as Edmodo, google live or SKYPE.